MDI Algiers Uses Coursella

MDI Algiers Uses Coursella

We are pleased to share with you that MDI Algiers Business School is using Coursella for Institutions and once again confirms their trust in Coursella. MDI Algiers was one of the first institutions to join us in our earliest pilot program, and will continue providing Coursella to their students for the next three (3) years.

The award winning business school that aims to establish itself as one of the Mediterranean poles of excellence of management, uses Coursella for streamlining communication between students and teachers, simplifying access to scientific resources, keeping students in line with their academic priorities and assisting administrators in their day-to-day tasks. This way, everyone spends less time organizing and more time learning and teaching.

Coursella is helping educational institutions connect their students, teachers and administrators on one single secure network. If you are affiliated with an educational institution, Coursella for Institutions can help you too.

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