Coursella Just Got a Homepage Redesign

Coursella Just Got a Homepage Redesign

It’s been a little bit more than a year since we’ve first introduced Coursella. Today, we are pleased to announce a new website redesign 🙂 which we invite you to check out right away on

Coursella on laptop

Coursella’s website just got an uplift –

What’s new?

Through this new website redesign we are aiming to explain better how Coursella can help teachers and students achieve more by using it to manage their courses/classrooms. We are also introducing our newest offering to the world: Coursella for Institutions, a fully brandable version aimed for education institutions who want to connect their teachers, students and administrators on one single secure network.


What are we up to?

Building a modern Learning Management System (LMS) turned out to be lots of ongoing fun challenges 🙂 and adding a social sauce to it brought even more to that. Lately, we’ve been doing lots of listening to teachers and a selection of local and international institutions, and steadily enhancing Coursella so it becomes the best day to day technological asset that can make your academic life more engaging and fun. We believe that we’re getting closer everyday and we invite you to join in too.

So, go ahead and check out our new website, tell us what you think about it and share your thoughts with us.

While you’re at it, why not also enter for a chance to win a limited edition Albert Enstein t-shirt and dress different this spring 🙂

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