MDI Algiers Uses Coursella

We are pleased to share with you that MDI Algiers Business School is using Coursella for Institutions and once again confirms their trust in Coursella. MDI Algiers was one of the first institutions to join us in our earliest pilot program, and will continue providing Coursella to their students for the next three (3) years.

The award winning business school that aims to establish itself as one of the Mediterranean poles of excellence of management, uses Coursella for streamlining communication between students and teachers, simplifying access to scientific resources, keeping students in line with their academic priorities and assisting administrators in their day-to-day tasks. This way, everyone spends less time organizing and more time learning and teaching.

Coursella is helping educational institutions connect their students, teachers and administrators on one single secure network. If you are affiliated with an educational institution, Coursella for Institutions can help you too.

Coursella Just Got a Homepage Redesign

It’s been a little bit more than a year since we’ve first introduced Coursella. Today, we are pleased to announce a new website redesign 🙂 which we invite you to check out right away on

Coursella on laptop

Coursella’s website just got an uplift –

What’s new?

Through this new website redesign we are aiming to explain better how Coursella can help teachers and students achieve more by using it to manage their courses/classrooms. We are also introducing our newest offering to the world: Coursella for Institutions, a fully brandable version aimed for education institutions who want to connect their teachers, students and administrators on one single secure network.


What are we up to?

Building a modern Learning Management System (LMS) turned out to be lots of ongoing fun challenges 🙂 and adding a social sauce to it brought even more to that. Lately, we’ve been doing lots of listening to teachers and a selection of local and international institutions, and steadily enhancing Coursella so it becomes the best day to day technological asset that can make your academic life more engaging and fun. We believe that we’re getting closer everyday and we invite you to join in too.

So, go ahead and check out our new website, tell us what you think about it and share your thoughts with us.

While you’re at it, why not also enter for a chance to win a limited edition Albert Enstein t-shirt and dress different this spring 🙂

Why Coursella?

Every good story has a beginning and for Coursella it all started when we were students. We’ve had great days back in university – now we’ve graduated – but we have left it overwhelmed in bad communication habits between teachers and students, as we were mainly relying on e-mail to communicate, and random web services to access and share class material.

While there’s nothing wrong with that – it sometimes does the trick- these tools quickly became constraining as everyone had to manage a great deal of information that was scattered here, there and everywhere. Each year, teachers had to juggle between lists of all their students’ email addresses while students had to filter between random web pages to access class material shared by their professors, and on top of that it wasn’t even that easy to start a conversation with your teacher or your class colleague unless you physically meet.

With Coursella we want to change that!

Imagine a place – an internet platform – where you, teachers and students, get to easily communicate and organize your courses with no distractions. So instead of getting lost in email lists, random web pages and ad-bloated file sharing services, you get all your courses organized in a single place that is secure and accessible via a single username. This way you spend less time organizing and more time learning.

Well, that is Coursella and that’s not all. On top of being able to manage your courses and communicate, you get to manage your time through events and notifications so you never forget about a homework again, and you get to showcase your achievements to your teachers and colleagues so new opportunities appear ahead. It starts here, and we think that there’s no limit on how creative you can get, using Coursella for having a better academic life.

We are just getting started!

Since we’ve launched Coursella six months ago, we’ve had amazing early adopters who gave us great feedback on the project and nice ideas on what would help them be more productive. We’re always on the lookout for more curious teachers and students to help us shape what Coursella becomes. If this is you, just signup, create your course, invite your students/colleagues and hold tight, we are just getting started.

Learn smarter.