Let’s Blog on Education & Technology!

Let’s Blog on Education & Technology!

Today we are very excited to take the curtains off the blog of a project that we’ve been working on for some time, and dreaming about for even longer: Coursella, a new social course management platform built from the ground up specifically for students and teachers, aiming to make education more engaging and fun. Hence the tagline “Explore, Learn More.”

In this blog we will keep you posted about all the cool things we do and we aspire to do while making Coursella. These are features we add, universities we visit, interesting people we meet and so on. This will be also a blog sharing thoughts and insights illustrating a refreshing vision for the relationship between education and technology, written by us members of the Coursella team, and friends with fine ideas.

We welcome you to be part of this blog, so if you’ve got ideas to share or just want to keep updated, we are always on facebook, twitter and email.

Meanwhile, read how Coursella started.

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